Curriculum - Key Stages 1 & 2
Key Stages 1 & 2
At Crockenhill we provide a curriculum that is broad, balanced, creative and relevant to today’s world. Children will experience a wide range of activities planned in accordance with the new National Curriculum 2014.
The core curriculum at Key Stages 1 and 2 comprises:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Computing
Children also study the subjects below as part of the National Curriculum. These are called Foundation Subjects:
- Art and Design
- Design Technology (DT)
- History
- Geography
- Music
- Physical Education (PE)
- Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)
Children are also taught Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE), Sex and Relationship Education, and Religious Education (RE).
We believe reading to be the key to the curriculum and therefore place great emphasis on the early acquisition of the necessary skills. Children build on their phonic knowledge across Reception and Year 1, 2 and 3 by continuing with the Systematic Synthetic Phonic programme from Twinkl - a Government accredited scheme. This is run in conjunction with a structured reading scheme within the school, with our core scheme being Rhino Readers for KS1. Parents are introduced to this scheme at the parents' meeting and are given advice on how to support their child at home. You are also directed to the phonics section under 'children' on this website. Children also access Twinkl Keep Up phonics intervention programme, if additional support is required.
KS2 access the Twinkl 'Code Breakers' programme when required.
Parental support with reading is invaluable. As well as acquiring the necessary reading skills, we try to engender a love of books, and to this end children are introduced to our library in a planned way from Reception onwards.
A school library has been provided adjacent to the computer suite by our School Association. This gives children the opportunity to borrow books in the same way as they use their local library. The school encourages adults to hear children read at school and appreciates all offers of help. Additionally, a child is nominated by the Class Teacher every term to receive a Community Reading Award certificate. This is a scheme sponsored by Mr & Mrs Vousden and a draw is made at a special assembly for one of the seven children to receive a Book Token. This scheme recognises not only the children that have demonstrated a real love of reading, but also those that have shown commitment and perseverance to improving their reading skills.
Religious Education
Non-denominational Religious Education is provided for all children as part of the curriculum and is in accordance with the local agreed Kent Religious Education syllabus. One hour of RE is usually taught each week by the class teacher. Schemes of work are used that are suitable children of different ages, and utilise a wide range of resources and teaching methods.
Pupils study religious beliefs and moral teachings from around the world, and have the opportunity to discuss and think about what people believe and how they behave.
Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE), Sex and Relationship Education
Health education is provided through the curriculum and includes healthy eating, exercise, drugs awareness (including medicines, alcohol and tobacco use) and sex education. These areas of the curriculum are taught as part of the school’s PSHCE programme.
Parents are consulted prior to any lessons concerned with puberty or sexual reproduction; the emphasis being on personal awareness and relationships.
Sport plays an important part in life at Crockenhill. We aim to offer our pupils two hours of quality curriculum PE each week as well as offer a range of extra-curricular sporting opportunities on both a competitive and non-competitive basis.
PE is a National Curriculum subject that is compulsory for all pupils across all Key Stages. At KS1 PE includes dance, games and gymnastics, and at KS 2 includes, athletics, outdoor games and adventurous activities. Additionally, children of both key stages are able to appreciate and experience disability sports.
We offer a wide range of extra-curricular clubs, which include football, netball and drama. Children from the sports clubs are frequently given opportunities to participate in inter-school matches and tournaments. We are extremely proud of our excellent record in these events.
Through our Sports Premium Grant we have been able to offer children coaching sessions in other sports such as Hockey, Cheerleading, Street Dance and Multi-skills. Our Y5&6 pupils have also trained as Play Leaders so they can lead games at playtimes for our younger pupils.
We encourage active playtimes by providing children with a range of playground equipment ranging from skipping ropes and balls to permanent playground equipment.
Crockenhill has gained the Sport England Activemark Award every year since 2004 for exceptional delivery of sport.
We are very fortunate at Crockenhill to have our music lessons taught by a combination of class teacher and a specialist music teacher.
All pupils in Years 2,3,4 and 5 learn a musical instrument free of charge (instruments vary according to the year group, but currently includes the recorder, flute, clarinet and ocarina).
There are also opportunities for your child to take private music lessons in piano, guitar, clarinet, flute or violin. Please contact the school office for further information if you are interested.
From time to time, pupils may be offered the opportunity to receive a course of free taster lessons on a musical instrument. Information on current taster lessons is able from the school office.